Wahh..kali ni dpt award la plk. Sukenyee... Ni 1st award yg sy dpt since bt blog ni.hehe..thanks ye k.da
Award ni peraturannyer senang jer..
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
Award ni sy dapat drp k.da.. terima kasih banyak2 k.da, sudi gak bagi award ni kt sy. Lain kali blh la bg lg.huhuhu =p
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Ni member2 yg sy nk bg award. Sila2 la ye..
1. K.Nur
2. Mira
3. Mamat
4. Zuewairy
5. Cik Bedah
6. Bungahati
7. K.Shi
8. K.Sarah
9. Cg. Yamin
10. Shaii
11. Abg Adha
12. Abg.Syukor
13. Syafa
14. Noyu
15. Cipu
So, pd member2 yg tersenarai 2, hrp sudi2 la terima ye.. Thanks!! (^_^)
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Ni member2 yg sy nk bg award. Sila2 la ye..
1. K.Nur
2. Mira
3. Mamat
4. Zuewairy
5. Cik Bedah
6. Bungahati
7. K.Shi
8. K.Sarah
9. Cg. Yamin
10. Shaii
11. Abg Adha
12. Abg.Syukor
13. Syafa
14. Noyu
15. Cipu
So, pd member2 yg tersenarai 2, hrp sudi2 la terima ye.. Thanks!! (^_^)